Welcome to Al Izzah


About Us

Pesantren Al Izzah Nunukan is an Islamic Boarding School for SMP (junior high) and SMA (senior high) student. Pesantren Al Izzah Nunukan is the first trilingual school in Nunukan, Kalimantan Utara.

Pesantren Al Izzah Nunukan is a community of lifelong learners aiming to shape a good Muslim by fun and cheerful Islamic learning process.

We emphasize fluency in Arabic and English for both are prerequisites for pursuing broader knowledges.

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From the News

Jihad Pesantren Di Zaman Kini

Penulis: Dr. Adian Husaini, (www.adianhusaini.id, Ketua Program Doktor Pendidikan Islam,

Hutang Bangsa Pada Pesantren

Penulis: Prof. Dr. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, Rektor Universitas Darussalam, Gontor

Santri Al-Izzah Juara MTQ XIX Kecamatan Nunukan

Setelah perjuangan latihan intensif 2 pekan di pondok, santri-santri Al-Izzah

Apply for SMP 2024

In the midst of unique period of change from childhood to adolescence, we nurture student and help them achieve their full potential. 

Apply for SMA 2025

We train students to be the best of themselves. Every subject will be taught either in English or Arabic. We prepare them to become productive member of society.


Our Values

Fun and Cheerful

Al-Izzah is not a mere pesantren. We are a community of lifelong learners. We do our best to maintain the wellbeing of students.

No One Left Behind

Every student is unique. We respect and honor the diversity of each student as fundamental principle of learning. No one left behind.

Reading Culture

Fostering a culture of reading and writing, we provide our students of high quality books and articles.

Meet our Teachers



Teachers play an essential role in education, most especially in the lives of the students they teach in the classroom. What defines a teacher is his/her ability to teach students and a positive influence on them.

Generally, the role of a teacher in education goes beyond teaching. In today’s world, teaching has different faces, and a teacher has to carry out the part of being an external parent, counselor, mentor, role model, and so on.

Today, the teachers’ role has gone beyond teaching. Their role now involves counselling students, mentoring students, and teaching them how to use and apply knowledge in their lives. Teachers are now looking for ways to impact students on a different level and even inspire them to be more and do more. 

Netti Al-Izzah
SMP Principal

What Scholars Say



Ciri utama pesantren ialah keilmuan, pengamalan, dan keteladanan diterapkan secara terpadu.

H. Syafrudin

Tokoh Masyarakat Nunukan

Pendidikan itu pengajaran, pembentukan, pembiasaan, pengawalan, pelatihan, diikuti uswatun hasanah.

Hj. Masriah

Tokoh Masyarakat Nunukan

Pendidikan pesantren telah berlangsung ratusan tahun di Indonesia. Banyak tokoh ulama, pahlawan, hingga negarawan lahir dari pesantren.

Andi Mutamir

Tokoh Masyarakat Nunukan

Sejak awal berdirinya, Al-Izzah telah menunjukkan komitmen yang kuat untuk melaksanakan pendidikan berbasis pesantren.

Muhammad Hairun Z.

Tokoh Agama Nunukan

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